Kaley Field Project

Kaley Field Project Updates

For more information about this new state-of-the-art building, which will serve as the Entryway to Kaley Field, and will house a Concession Stand, Ticket Booth and Restrooms, contact Greencastle – Antrim Education Foundation Board of Directors President , Vernon McCauley, at vernonmccauley@comcast.net or (717) 375-5399. Named Gift Opportunities are available.

Donations can be mailed to: GAEF, P.O. Box 623, Greencastle, PA 17225, or you can email her at: office@GAEFonline.org

What a fabulous video produced by Lumber Direct, one of our Major Donors, of the Ribbon Cutting and Dedication on August 25, 2021.

Thank you Mike and Misty Stenger, and Misty’s son Austin Stoler.



The Greencastle-Antrim Education Foundation (GAEF) has just completed building a 3,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art building, at Kaley Field, in Greencastle, PA. The new building is the gateway for thousands of annual Kaley Field visitors for school, athletic, band, and community events. The building showcases the F&M Trust Ticket Booth, Sunnyway Foods Concession Stand, and Restrooms, along with a new Flag Court Area, in memory of Warren “Puff” Weaver, donated by Antrim Way Honda and the Weaver Family.


A Ribbon Cutting and Dedication Ceremony was held on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, just 4 months after the organization’s Groundbreaking Ceremony on April 21st, 2021. Over 100 people attended the early evening event, with a tour, photos and refreshments immediately following.


GAEF Board Chair, Vernon McCauley, lauded his 16-member board of directors with their vision for the project and stated, “Through multiple building re-designs and project pricing challenges, our Board never wavered, in their commitment to complete this project.” McCauley went on to say, “When it came time to raise the money, it was Board members that made it happen.”


Dr. Lura Hanks, GASD Superintendent said, “This building is more than the function of it’s parts . . . it is a symbol of what and who we are as a community. It symbolizes our collaboration and ability to make anything happen.” She further elaborated, “This building serves to recognize the importance of this space and to honor those of the past, present and future that have and will commit to providing our students and our community with the very best we have to offer!”


McCauley stressed that Kaley Field serves many purposes aside from being an athletic facility, “Over the next year we’ll see The Race for Education, Turkey Trot, a Military Band Concert prior to the Old Home Week fireworks, and the Graduation of the Class of 2022, with one of the more significant events being Relay for Life.”


Outgoing Relay for Life Chairperson Megan Barkdoll spoke of the significance the new building, adding to the “sparkle” of the 2-day event held in May. “Sparkle” is a word related to Greencastle’s Relay for Life, attributed to Kim Muller, a former teacher who lost her battle with cancer.


McCauley announced that the organization is very close to meeting their $600,000 building campaign goal, through the generous donations of several local businesses and families. He did indicate that additional donations are being accepted through their “Over the Finish Line” Campaign.


Donations to the Kaley Field Project can be mailed to: GAEF, P.O. Box 623, Greencastle, PA 17225 or donors may give online: www.gaefonline.org/finishline/


For more information about the project, contact: GAEF Board President, Vernon McCauley, at (717) 375-5399 or VernonMcCauley@comcast.net


Or email: office@GAEFonline.org
Kaley Field Update # 9

Antrim Way Honda and the Weaver Family are honoring the late Warren “Puff” Weaver, by creating a new Flag Court Area, located just inside the new Kaley Field Entry, with a beautiful stone knee-wall, stone benches, 2 additional flag poles, along with improved lighting.

Please thank Greg and Cherie Weaver, Pam Weaver Knepper, and the Antrim Way Honda team for their Major donations to make this unique memorial. Installation of this project began this past week and once complete, will be a special place for Senior pictures, family and/or group photos.

Excavation work continued last week, both inside and in the outer areas, preparing for this week’s paving.

Window enclosures were added in the F&M Trust Ticket Booth, on the parking lot side of the building, as well as in the Sunnyway Foods Concessions Stand, on the field side. This week, Entryway overhead doors will be installed.

All of the concrete was poured at the new Kaley Field building this past week!

A special thank you to Andy Barbuzanes, from Wertner Signs, for touching up the steel beam, that was logoed and signed by local residents and businesses, at the Raising the Bar Fundraiser, 18 months ago. The beam had been housed inside the barn at Tayamentasachta and needed refurbished. Thank you Andy and Wertner Signs for donating your time on this project!

July 7, 2021 Updates – #7

Exciting progress on the Kaley Field Project during the first week of July.

Charlie Oppliger, Boy Scout Troop #99, created the original Paver Area, around the flag pole at Kaley Field, for his Eagle Scout Project in 2008. Those pavers were removed, before construction began, and historically preserved.

This past week, those pavers were installed in their new 45 foot long area, right along the track fence line, from the corner to the gate.

Before the relocated Paver Area is officially complete, a sealant will be applied, to continue to preserve Charlie’s Eagle Scout Project for years to come.

A $5,000 Named Sponsorship is still available to underwrite the cost of preserving and relocating the Paver Area.

Photos From Update – 7

June 24, 2021 Updates – #6

This past week, the generous community support of one local business is quite visible in the building project at Kaley Field.

Over a year ago, Mike and Misty Stenger, from Lumber Direct, offered to donate lumber and roofing materials for the project. Lumber costs sky-rocketed during the past year while the project was put on hold, yet they graciously honored their pledge of donating all of the lumber and roofing materials. This past week, the lumber and roofing materials were installed at the new building.

When you see Mike and Misty around town, or at Lumber Direct, please tell them how much you appreciate their on-going support of GAEF and this community project!

Photos From Update – 6

 June 14, 2021 Updates – #5

Trusses were erected on Thursday, June 10 and these photos were taken, over the weekend, from all 4 sides of the building.

Photos From Update – 5

June 8, 2021 Updates – #4

Great weather this past week has allowed Eagle Construction, and their team of sub-contractors, to make great strides in our project, as seen by the pictures in this post.
We anticipate another round of photos by the weekend – which will show even more progress!

$488,000 of the needed $600,000 has been raised to date.

Photos From Update – 4

June 3, 2021 Updates – #3

It’s been a very exciting week with the Kaley Field Construction Project.

Greencastle-Antrim Education Foundation (GAEF), a local non-profit, works to enhance educational opportunities in the G-A School District, has taken on this project, to raise the needed $600,000 and build a building which will house a Concession Stand, Ticket Booth, and Restrooms at Kaley Field. We will then gift the building to the district upon completion.

On May 27, using a 25-ton rollback truck, Andrew Stevens, from Jerr-Dan, and Mike Stenger, from Lumber Direct, moved the beam from where it’s been stored for the past year or so at Tayamentasachta, to Kaley Field. The beam, donated by Strait Steel, was embellished with logos of donors and signed by many locals at a fundraising event a couple of years ago, to be used for the building project.

Additional walls have been erected this week, on both sides: Concesssion Stand and Ticket Booth, as well as the Restroom Side.

Construction is slated to be complete before the 2021-2022 school year.

Photos From Update – 3

May 25, 2021 Updates – #2

The past ten days have been quite productive on the project, as concrete flooring has been poured, and some of the walls have gone up!

What an incredible picture, through an interior doorway, to see the American Flag and Kaley Field in the background!

The pictured interior walls separate the Men’s and Ladies’ Restrooms.

Photos From Update – 2

May 15, 2021 Updates – #1

Eagle Construction, and their sub-contractors, have been very busy over the past several weeks since the Groundbreaking Cermony on April 21. Weekly photo updates will be posted moving forward.

To date $488,000 of the needed $600,000 has been donated/pledged.

Photos From Update – 1

Kaley Field Groundbreaking Ceremony

The Greencastle-Antrim Education Foundation held a Groundbreaking Ceremony, on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at Kaley Field, for their new state-of-the-art, 3,000 sq. ft. building which will house ticket sales, concessions and restrooms.

Despite cool temperatures and strong winds, about fifty local business and community members attended the closed event to help celebrate the launch of the project, which was originally slated to begin construction in the spring of 2020. Due to COVID, the project had to be put on indefinite hold last spring, until local businessman, Dean Martin, Sunnyway Foods, challenged other local business owners to join him in making major donations. Those major donations, added to the original major donations from F&M Trust and Sunnyway Foods, allowed plans to be set in motion again.

President of the GAEF Board of Directors, Vernon McCauley, served as Master of Ceremonies for the event, and also co-chairs the GAEF Building Committee, along with retired bank president, Jeff Shank. Shank shared with the crowd the genesis of the project, and the partnership between the GAEF organization and the school district in order to undertake such a project. “Having put the Kaley Field project on hold for a year due to COVID, the GAEF Board never lost focus on getting this project completed”. He expressed his appreciation to the contractor by stating, “Many thanks to Eagle Construction for enduring countless changes and modifications from dealing with committees and donors.”

“GAEF is extremely appreciative to all of our donors for their financial support in making the Kaley Field Project a reality”, McCauley stated, as he introduced four of the major donors, each of whom offered remarks: Tim Henry, F&M Trust; Dean Martin, Sunnyway Foods; Greg Weaver, Antrim Way Honda; and David Rajtik, Antrim Insurance. Other Major Donors include: Dean Martin, Margaret Martin, Greg and Cherie Weaver, and Pamela Weaver Knepper.

Additional donations have been received from: Frederick Seibert & Associates; GoSports Turf – John McDowell; Graphics Universal – Garon Gembe; John Allison Public House – John Flannery; Lumber Direct – Mike and Misty Stenger; Martin and Martin Engineering – Joe McDowell; Moen Products – Larry Webster; Nitterhouse Foundation; Strait Steel – Greg Strait; TelePlus – Frank Guthrie.

In introducing Greencastle-Antrim School District Superintendent, Dr. Lura Hanks, McCauley said “This project would not have been possible without the steadfast support of our District Superintendent, Dr. Lura Hanks, and her Administrative Team, including Athletic Director, Vicki Ritchey.”

Total to date, $487,000 of the $600,000 has been donated or pledged to the building project. It is anticipated that the project will be complete in time for the launch of the 2021-2022 school year. The GAEF Board plans to continue fundraising until the overall goal has been reached. Local businesses wishing to help underwrite the Kaley Field Project should contact the organization by emailing office@gaefonline.org

All set-up and ready to go on the cold and blustery afternoon.

Lumber Direct donated shovels for the Groundbreaking Ceremony. Thank you Mike and Misty Stenger!

Eagle Construction, from Greencastle, was chosen as the General Contractor for the project.

Special thanks to Graphics Universal for producing the signage and booklets for the Ceremony; and T. Byers Contracting & Excavating for supplying their backhoe.

Extreme appreciation to our 8 Major Donors: F&M Trust, Sunnyway Foods, Antrim Way Honda, Antrim Insurance, Dean Martin, Margaret Martin, Greg and Cherie Weaver, and Pamela (Weaver) Knepper. 

F&M Trust presented their ceremonial $75,000 big check, to represent their pledge to the building project.

Representatives from F&M Trust were joined by Vernon McCauley, GAEF Board President and Co-Chair of the Building Committee, along with fellow Co-Chair, Jeff Shank; and Garon Gembe, immediate Past President of the GAEF Board of Directors.

Thank you F&M Trust for financing the GAEF Kaley Field Building Project!

Jeff Shank, Co-Chair of the Kaley Field Project.

Vernon McCauley served as Master of Ceremonies for the event.

Tim Henry, President of F&M Trust, shared remarks about why they chose to get involved in the Kaley Field Project and chose to underwrite the Ticket Booth portion of the project.

President of Sunnyway Foods, Dean Martin, shared why his business and his family chose to become major donors, to sponsor the Concession part of the building.

Owner of Antrim Way Honda, Greg Weaver, also shared why his business and his family opted to sponsor the Flag Court Area.

Antrim Insurance President, David Rajtik, also shared remarks about why his business chose to become a Major Donor on the project.

Dr. Lura Hanks, Superintendant for the Greencastle-Antrim School District, thanked the GAEF for undertaking this significant project on behalf of the District.

Vernon McCauley, GAEF Board President and Building Committee Co-Chair; Tim Henry, President of F&M Trust; Dean Martin, President of Sunnyway Foods; Dr. Lura Hanks, Superintendent of GASD; Frank Traver, VP/General Manager of Eagle Construction; Greg Weaver, Owner of Antrim Way Honda; David Rajtik, President of Antrim Insurance; and Jeff Shank, Co-Chair of the GAEF Kaley Field Building Project.

Greg and Cherie Weaver (in the center), along with their children (to the left) and Pamela Weaver Knepper, joined by  Vernon McCauley, GAEF Board President.

Kaley Field Project Resurrected

The Kaley Field construction project was scheduled to begin in the spring of 2020. Like many projects of the time, it was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At points, over the past year, it was unclear whether the project could be resurrected. But, due to the extreme generosity of several local businesses and members of their families, along with the original major donors of F&M Trust and Sunnyway Foods, the project is back on track to be completed in 2021.

Joining the original major donors, Antrim Insurance, Antrim Way Honda, the Weaver Family, and the Martin Family have all given or pledged $50,000 or more to the project. Many others have given or pledged; still others are providing In-Kind donations, bringing the total donations to $487,000 of the overall $600,000 projected cost.

The need for upgrades became clear over six years ago, when a sewer line issue could not be repaired, forcing the Kaley Field restroom facilities to close, and portable facilities to be used in as a temporary measure. This need led the GAEF and the school district to contemplate broader improvement needs for the Kaley Field complex.

In addition to restrooms improvements that will promote cleanliness, like feature touch-free faucets, hand-dryers, and toilets; construction will also include a central complex access point with improved ticket booth and concession stand upgrades.

This state-of-the-art, 3,000 sq. ft. facility was designed to maximize the utilization of space and ultimately cut down on the overall original construction costs. This is especially true for the new concession stand, where Johnnies Restaurant Supply is lending their expertise by recommending layout and equipment options to maximize service of concessions to patrons.

Eagle Construction, of Greencastle, was chosen as the general contractor for the project and will break ground sometime in April. If the weather cooperates over the next few months, it is expected that the building will be completed in time for the 2021 school year.

Due to COVID-restrictions, a small Groundbreaking Ceremony will be held with the key stakeholders only: the donors, the boards of directors of the GAEF and the GASD, and local dignitaries. Leaders of the GAEF are planning a much-larger community celebration, if COVID-restrictions are lifted, when it’s time to hold a ribbon cutting, when the building is complete and the keys are turned-over to the school district.

For more information about how your business could donate to the project, please contact: office@gaefonline.org

Pictured above are artist renderings of both sides of the building. The Ticket Booth and main entryway will greet guests when they arrive at Kaley Field. Once through the entryway, guests will be able to access the concession stand and the restrooms. A Flag Court Garden Area has recently been added since the artist renderings were created.